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English Corpus of Public Administration

"Find thousands of public administration words often used by writers,
academics, and practitioners in the field of public administration."

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About Author

Misnawati, a doctoral candidate in English Language Education at Universitas Negeri Makassar (UNM), is a permanent lecturer at Universitas Cahaya Prima, Kabupaten Bone, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia.

In 2019, after completing her master's degree at Hasanuddin University, she started her career as a lecturer. In 2021, she was accepted as a doctoral student through the Indonesian Education Scholarship (BPI) for Higher Education. And this English corpus of Public Administration (ECOPA) is one of her dissertation research products in the doctoral study.

Complete CV can be accessed at: https://sites.google.com/view/cv-misnawati/home?authuser=2
SINTA ID: 6788228
Email: misnawati_amir@yahoo.com


The author/compiler would like to thank the parties who have significantly contributed to the preparation of the English Corpus of Public Administration (ECOPA), namely:

1. Pusat Layanan Pendidikan (Puslapdik) under the scheme of Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset dan Teknologi (Kemdikbudristek), provider of doctoral scholarships
2. Universitas Cahaya Prima, author's teaching homebase
3. Universitas Negeri Makassar, author's pursuing doctoral studies.
4. Prof. Drs. Muhammad Basri, M.A., Ph.D., Head of Study Program, as well as examiners
5. Prof. Dr. H. Haryanto, M.Pd, author’s promoter and Sir Iskandar, S.Pd., M, Ed., Ph.D., authors’ copromotor
6. Prof. Dr. Syarifuddin Dollah, M.Pd, and Prof. Dr. Anshari, M.Hum, author’s examiners
7. Dr. Yusriadi, M.Si (beloved husband), Muhammad Amir and Murni (beloved parents), also siblings
8. Dr. Saidna Zulfiqar bin Tahir, Lc., M.Pd, author's external supervisor
9. All friends at Postgraduate English Language Education Program Universitas Negeri Makassar 2021.


Material topics collected in compiling this Corpus consist of:

-Public Administration
-Development Administration
-Tax Administration
-Bussiness Administration
-Administrative Analysis
-Administrative Ethics
-Administrative Behavior
-Comparison of State Administration
-Political Science

-Principles of Management
-Strategic of Management
-Human Resources Management
-Basic Sciences of Organization and Management
-Demography and Development
-Regional Development Administration Issues
-Policy Issues
-Public policy
-Public Service Management

-Family Sociology
-Political Science
-Introduction to Socio-cultural Anthropology
-Introduction to Sociology
-Introduction to Social Statistics
-Economic System
-Information and Management Systems
-Goverment and Society